Sunday, 9 November 2008

UK FHM - December 2008

A really bare bones issue of FHM as far as the girlie content goes this month. The cover girl is Olga Kurylenko, who (if you have been on a completely different planet to everyone else lately) stars in the latest Bond movie. This is the third time that Olga has featured in FHM. You could say 'finally a A-list celebrity' in FHM but it looks like the whole monthly budget was blown on this feature.

The shoot itself isn't too bad. It's technically well done, bright and sharp. Although nothing too revealing is worn and it's just a white studio backdrop for the majority. If you're a fan of her then it's worth a look, if not then you may be best leaving the issue on the shelf. The French edition of FHM ran the exact same photo set in their November issue but they got more other girlie features which also had full nudity.

We do get 2 other picture of the French High Street Honey winner, Laura Thomas. But it is nothing too remarkable about it to be honest.

The issue also carries the UK's High Street Honey supplement of the top 100 entries. I don't vote at this stage, I wait until they round it down to 10 in the new year. The supplement is the usual mix of professionally done photos to the mobile grainy photos - how is anyone meant to vote of the quality of the pics is questionable but I imagine the more ample entries will make it into the top 10. None of them are too remarkable anyway.

Next months FHM will have the additional Calendar for 2009, judging from the quality of girls featured over the year I imagine it will be quite poor, as it has been for the last couple of years compared to the other mags.